Bleecker Street has secured the U.S. rights to “Sasquatch Sunset,” a mysterious new feature from acclaimed filmmakers David and Nathan Zellner, with Executive Producer Ari Aster...
Gravitas Ventures is set to release the new film “The Woods Are Real” next month, and we have a look at the trailer for director Alix...
In select cities from April 5, Léa Seydoux, known for her role in “Crimes of the Future,” headlines the cast of “The Beast,” with Janus Films...
Next up from Millie Bobby Brown, known for her roles in “Stranger Things” and “Enola Holmes,” is another exciting project with Netflix. The talented actress is...
The late Julian Sands, renowned for his role in “Warlock,” graces the screen in one of his final performances in the upcoming horror film, “The Piper.”...
Set to hit theaters on April 26, 2024, “Cinderella’s Revenge” has been eagerly anticipated, and Entertainment Weekly has just unveiled the official trailer along with some...
Gravitas Ventures’ newest offering, “Cellphone,” delves into the unsettling and perilous side of technology, particularly our ubiquitous companion, the cellphone. An exclusive clip teases the eerie...
Horror aficionados with a taste for films like Vacancy and Motel Hell are in for a treat with the upcoming release of “Night Shift,” distributed by...
Brace yourselves for a bizarre yet true-to-life tale in the upcoming horror flick, The Emu War, inspired by the peculiar events of the “Great Emu War”...
Fresh off her role in the 2023 horror hit “Evil Dead Rise,” Lily Sullivan returns to the screen in the upcoming horror film “Monolith” from Well...