The latest installment in the Poohniverse series, “Bambi: The Reckoning,” takes a dark turn, as revealed in its newly released trailer. This time around, the story...
AMC and AMC+ are gearing up for the highly anticipated release of “Interview with the Vampire” Season 2, set to premiere on Sunday, May 12. This...
A fresh prequel, steeped in the ambiance of the 1970s, “The First Omen” is set to hit theaters on April 5 courtesy of 20th Century Studios....
After nearly four decades since its iconic debut, Tim Burton’s “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” is making its long-awaited return, and Warner Bros. has just unveiled the official teaser...
“In a Violent Nature,” one of the standout horror films from this year’s Sundance, takes a unique approach by presenting the slasher narrative through the perspective...
A chilling mystery unfolds as a group of teenagers ventures into the wilderness, never to return, in the spine-tingling Irish found footage thriller, “The Glenarma Tapes.”...
In an adrenaline-fueled thriller set in a dystopian future, Jennifer Hudson and Milla Jovovich headline the cast of “Breathe,” with the official trailer making its debut...
As fans eagerly await the continuation of Art and Sienna’s chilling escapades in “Terrifier 3,” actress Lauren LaVera gears up for her next venture in Joe...
The internet stirred with fervor at the release of the initial images featuring Bill Skarsgård (known for his role in “IT”) as Eric Draven in Lionsgate’s...
Prepare for the nationwide release of “The Strangers: Chapter 1” on May 17, 2024, the first installment of a fresh trilogy rebooted by Lionsgate and director...