The kids aren’t ok in Sebastian Godwin’s domestic thriller Homebound, which is now streaming on Bloody Disgusting’s SCREAMBOX. Check out the trailer up here! Homebound follows...
From Blumhouse and Paramount is Yoko Okumura’s (“50 States of Fright”) Unseen, and the official trailer has just arrived while the official release date for the...
Check out the exclusive clip up here! Director Erik Bloomquist has tackled a variety of genres in his film career. Now, Bloomquist is looking back to...
Prime Video’s new series ‘Swarm’, from Janine Nabers and Donald Glover, follows (Dominique Fishback), a young woman whose obsession with a pop star takes a dark...
The TV Series Wreck is created and written by Ryan J. Brown and premiered last year in the UK on BBC Three. Season One of “Wreck”...
Check out the exclusive teaser trailer up here! Here’s a first look at psychological horror The Portrait with Natalia Cordova-Buckley (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Ryan Kwanten (True...
Tobin Bell, star of the SAW franchise joins Scott Hamm Duenas (Evil at the Door, “General Hospital”) in Rebroken, premiering On Digital Platforms on March 7...
We are only one month away from the release of the sixth installment of the Scream franchise which is currently set on March 10, 2023. Tickets...
‘Viking Wolf’ Norway’s first werewolf movie will be available to watch on Netflix in the US starting this Friday, February 3, 2023. Check out the trailer...
From directors, Alessandro Antonaci, Stefano Mandalà, and Daniel Lascar come the horror ‘Sound of Silence’ which will be released on VODs on March 9, 2023. In...