On August 11, 2023, Universal’s The Last Voyage of the Demeter will resurrect Dracula, and the movie’s official trailer descended over the internet this morning. The...
On Friday, April 14, 2023, Dead Hot, an unscripted feature film, will debut exclusively on the free service Tubi. It stars Vanessa Hudgens on a journey...
The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster, a contemporary rendition of Mary Shelley’s classic novel Frankenstein, treats death as a disease that has to be cured....
In the new thriller Sanctuary from NEON, it’s his game but her rules, and the official teaser released today gives a sneak peek at the twisted...
After four films, the John Wick Universe will continue to grow with the prequel series “The Continental,” and today marks the release of a teaser trailer...
What do you think? Tickets for Evil Dead Rise are already on sale, with only two weeks till the film’s debut. A brand new “Final Review...
Apple TV+ debuted today a stunning new trailer for “Silo,” the compelling, world-building Apple Original drama based on Hugh Howey’s New York Times bestselling trilogy of...
The Curious Case of Jacky Calliou, Lucas Delangle’s highly anticipated werewolf horror-fantasy, will be released in cinemas on April 7 and on VOD and DVD on...
Robert Rodriguez’s action thriller Hypnotic, starring Ben Affleck, will be released on 2,000 screens in the United States by Ketchup Entertainment. The film will be released...
Bury the Bride, the new horror film from director Spider One will be released next by OneFox Productions (Allegoria). It will arrive on Tubi on April...