NEON has once again intrigued audiences with a cryptic teaser video for the upcoming film “Longlegs,” offering a glimpse of Kiernan Shipka and a closer look...
After months of cryptic hints, NEON has finally dropped the official trailer for their upcoming film, “Longlegs,” offering audiences a clearer glimpse into the eerie narrative...
Director Alexandre Aja’s latest cinematic venture, originally known as “Mother Land” when announced last year, has undergone a title change and is now officially dubbed “Never...
Ahead of the third installment in the Abbott family saga, the prequel spinoff “A Quiet Place: Day One” is set to hit theaters on June 28,...
Netflix has kicked off production for the eagerly awaited “Wednesday” Season 2, unveiling the full ensemble cast through an entertaining teaser video. Jenna Ortega reprises her...
Russell Crowe, renowned for his gripping performances, takes on a new role in the upcoming meta-possession horror film, “The Exorcism,” and today, Vertical Entertainment has unveiled...
Wired Productions, known for their involvement with KARMA: The Dark World, has unveiled the release date for their eagerly anticipated gory action game, Gori: Cuddly Carnage....
Following the trend of iconic characters receiving sinister adaptations, Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid” is the latest to undergo a chilling transformation. Originally penned in...
NEON continues to ramp up the intrigue surrounding its upcoming horror offering, “Longlegs,” with the release of the second part of its cryptic teaser video and...
In a captivating opening, Channing Tatum sets the scene with a chilling revelation: “Soooo… everybody’s dead. How about we start at the beginning.” This intriguing narration...