BD reveals that Dark Star Pictures is set to release Alice Maio Mackay’s highly acclaimed slasher film, “Bad Girl Boogey,” this summer. Having garnered a positive...
“The Witcher” Season 3 is set to grace our screens in the summer of 2023, delivering an enthralling narrative across two volumes. Henry Cavill as Geralt...
In “Til Death Do Us Part,” directed by Timothy Woodward Jr. (known for the Lin Shaye horror film “The Call”) and created by Jeffrey Reddick, the...
Renowned filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos, known for his critically acclaimed movies like “The Killing of a Sacred Deer” and “Dogtooth,” returns with “Poor Things,” a captivating Frankenstein-inspired...
Lionsgate‘s upcoming horror film Devilreaux is generating buzz as its release approaches this weekend. In an exciting update, BD Reports Today has unveiled an exclusive clip...
Nicolas Cage and Joel Kinnaman Join Forces in Intense Thriller 'Sympathy for the Devil'.
Prepare for the Frightening Conclusion as "Insidious: The Red Door" Unveils its Final Trailer.
A24 Unveils Terrifying Trailer for "Talk to Me," a Supernatural Horror Film Set to Hit Theaters on July 28, 2023.
Tubi, the streaming platform, has released a brand new horror movie titled ‘The Amityville Curse,’ which serves as a modern adaptation of Hans Holzer’s 1981 novel....
Hulu is set to deliver another spine-chilling horror movie this year with the highly anticipated release of ‘Jagged Mind.’ The official trailer for this queer psychological...