Neil LaBute, known for his work on films like The Wicker Man and House of Darkness, returns with the gripping action-thriller Fear the Night, distributed by...
A town holds its secrets close, shrouded in mystery and concealed from prying eyes. Dwight H. Little, renowned for his directorial work on Halloween 4: The...
Dark Star Pictures Sets Release Date for Claudia La Bianca's Supernatural Horror Film 'The Abode'.
Prepare to delve into the chilling depths of the J-horror phenomenon with Sarah Appleton and Jasper Sharp’s spine-tingling documentary, The J-Horror Virus. This feature-length film uncovers...
First Trailer for 'Quicksand' Will Make You Hold Your Breath.
Prepare for a thrilling Halloween season as Sony’s highly anticipated movie, “Kraven the Hunter,” gears up for release. This week, Sony unveiled the official trailer for...
AMC’s popular franchise, “The Walking Dead,” made a comeback with its new spinoff, “The Walking Dead: Dead City,” premiering last night. Alongside this exciting addition, fans...
Samuel Bodin, the talented creator behind the popular Netflix horror series “Marianne,” is making a comeback to the genre with Lionsgate’s upcoming horror movie, “Cobweb.” The...
Lionsgate’s latest release, “Cannibal Cabin,” is now available for streaming On Demand and on various digital platforms starting today, June 13. To give you a thrilling...
Prepare to be captivated by the spine-chilling journey of fear in “Mind Body Spirit,” a found footage nightmare that will premiere at the Chattanooga Film Festival...