Visionary filmmaker J.A. Bayona, known for his work on cinematic gems like “The Orphanage,” “A Monster Calls,” and “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,” is set to enthrall...
Shudder, Studio71, Cinepocalypse, and Bloody Disgusting are teaming up to take viewers on a nostalgic journey back to the 1980s with “V/H/S/85.” The film will make...
Filmmaker Sam Curtain pulls no punches with “Beaten to Death,” delivering an unsettling and extreme horror experience that’s bound to leave a lasting impact. Today, we’re...
Zack Snyder's 'Rebel Moon' Saga to Premiere on Netflix.
"Psycho: The Lost Tapes of Ed Gein" Delves into the Dark Mind of a Real-Life Killer.
Prepare to be spellbound by the upcoming horror film, “It Lives Inside,” directed by Bishal Dutta. This chilling cinematic experience is set to hit theaters on...
In a world where technology blurs the line between security and vulnerability, the stage is set for a spine-tingling showdown. On August 25th, FilmRise, the dynamic...
Prepare for another spine-tingling Halloween season as Shudder gears up to unleash “Creepshow” Season 4. The streaming service has just announced that the highly anticipated new...
Prepare for more spine-tingling Halloween-themed horror as the low-budget anthology series “10/31” returns with its latest installment, “10/31: Part III.” This time around, the anthology promises...
Get ready for the highly anticipated 12th installment of the critically acclaimed anthology series, “American Horror Story,” masterminded by the creative duo Ryan Murphy and Brad...