Get ready for the return of the colossal creature in the upcoming Apple TV+ series, “Monarch: Legacy of Monsters,” brought to you by Legendary Television. This...
A social thriller starring Julia Garner (Ozark) and Jessica Henwick (The Matrix Resurrections), The Royal Hotel is set to be released in theaters on October 6th....
The serial killer horror thriller Vindicta, starring Elena Kampouris, Sean Astin, and Jeremy Piven, will be released in select theaters and on digital on October 6th....
The Castlevania franchise is coming back to Netflix with a brand new animated series, Castlevania: Nocturne. The series will focus on the origin story of Richter...
The new live-action TV series based on R.L. Stine’s iconic horror book series, Goosebumps, is coming to Disney+ on Friday, October 13th. The series will premiere with...
Eli Roth's Thanksgiving: The Real Movie Is Finally Here.
Thai Centipede Horror Film "Creepy Crawly" Gets US Release Date.
Hulu has released a trailer for the upcoming alien invasion thriller “No One Will Save You”, which stars Kaitlyn Dever and is written and directed by...
Eric Owen's Directorial Debut "Thirst" Gets Digital Release.
Prime Video has released a full trailer for its upcoming series “Wilderness“, which stars Jenna Coleman and Oliver Jackson-Cohen. The show is set to premiere on...