Following the chilling tales of “13 Cameras” and “14 Cameras,” Gravitas Ventures is set to unveil the third installment in the trilogy, “15 Cameras.” Horror enthusiasts...
Prepare for an uproarious blend of horror and comedy this Halloween season as “Totally Killer” makes its way to audiences, courtesy of Blumhouse and Amazon Studios....
Coming soon from the acclaimed horror production company DREAD is the highly anticipated release of “The Jester,” a spine-chilling horror film set to hit limited theaters...
After embarking on an extensive journey through film festivals worldwide, the gripping found footage feature, “Malibu Horror Story,” is set to make its theatrical debut in...
A collaboration of five talented Latino filmmakers has given birth to the horror anthology “Satanic Hispanics,” set to hit theaters on Friday, September 14, 2023. Leading...
During the recent Fear Fest 2023 event, Andrés Borghi and Tobías Rusjan introduced a captivating new survival horror game titled “Tenebris Somnia.” This upcoming title draws...
Characters from beloved children’s stories and nursery rhymes are increasingly finding themselves in the world of horror movies. The trend includes Winnie the Pooh, Bambi, Peter...
The highly anticipated release of Strange Scaffold’s neo-noir horror shooter, “El Paso, Elsewhere,” scheduled for September 26, is just around the corner. To build even more...
Saban Films, in collaboration with writer/director Viljar Bøe, introduces the peculiar and enigmatic genre film, “Good Boy,” which is currently screening in select theaters. Simultaneously, it...
Good news for console gamers! The chaos and horror of Puppet Combo and Black Eyed Priest’s “Night At the Gates of Hell” are now within your...