The highly anticipated “Goosebumps” television series, a joint project between Disney+ and Hulu, is set to make its debut on October 13. The series’ full official...
As part of this year’s extensive AMC FearFest lineup, one film that’s generating considerable buzz is “The Puppetman,” a Shudder Original set to start streaming on...
World Makers’ spine-chilling social deduction horror game, Deceit 2, has arrived, as declared by its exhilarating launch trailer! Today marks the game’s release on Steam, and...
After years of anticipation, Hekate’s highly awaited WWI psychological horror game, Ad Infinitum, has finally made its debut today across multiple platforms, including PC via Steam,...
Freestyle Digital Media Secures North American Theatrical Rights for Mongolian Horror Film ‘Aberrance‘ Freestyle Digital Media has made an exciting acquisition by obtaining the North American...
The highly anticipated Season 3 of Don Mancini’s “Chucky” is set to premiere on both USA and SYFY on October 4. In anticipation of this exciting...
In Shudder’s upcoming film, dreams and ambitions take a terrifying turn as a mythical demon haunts the life of one woman. The streaming service has just...
Eli Roth, renowned for directing films like Hostel and Cabin Fever, has joined forces with DreamWorks Animation, the studio behind titles such as Puss in Boots:...
Ziggurat Interactive and Poppy Works have unveiled the release date for the brutal Hack-and-Slash title “Slave Zero X,” following the recent release of a gory trailer...
After much anticipation, Norman Partridge’s novel “Dark Harvest” is making its way to the big screen, with director David Slade at the helm. The newly released...