Demián Rugna, the filmmaker who sent shivers down audiences’ spines with “Terrified” in 2017, is back with a bone-chilling new horror movie titled “When Evil Lurks.”...
Recently announced during Feardemic’s Fear Fest, the collaborative effort between Atari and SneakBox, the turn-based RPG roguelite titled “Days of Doom,” has officially launched on PC...
'Doug Bradley Returns to Battle Demons in "The Exorcists" - Exclusive Trailer Debut'.
The original “Walking Dead” spinoff, “Fear the Walking Dead,” is set to conclude this year with the second half of Season 8, scheduled to premiere on...
A new 17-minute gameplay walkthrough of the upcoming next-generation battle royale game “Off The Grid” by Neill Blomkamp and Gunzilla Games has been revealed, showcasing the...
Adapted from the tales of Edgar Allan Poe, Netflix’s upcoming series “The Fall of the House of Usher,” which is helmed by Mike Flanagan and serves...
On September 29, the return of Jigsaw in “Saw X,” a sequel to James Wan’s iconic original “Saw” movie, will take place just weeks after the...
Just a mere two weeks away from its theatrical release, “The Exorcist: Believer,” a legacy sequel to the iconic original, has unveiled a brand new featurette...
IGN has released another tantalizing clip from “Alan Wake 2,” and this latest 5-minute gameplay footage reunites Alan Wake with an old acquaintance. The clip unfolds...
Amber Heard, known for her role in “All the Boys Love Mandy Lane,” makes a chilling return to the horror genre in director Conor Allyn’s “In...