After years of eager anticipation, Madmind Studio has officially announced the release date for their forthcoming psychological horror title, ‘Paranoid.’ This revelation comes alongside the debut...
With the imminent release of a new Early Access update for ‘The Outlast Trials‘ and the recent introduction of a tie-in comic book series, Red Barrels...
As Bloober Team reaches the milestone of its 15th anniversary this year, the acclaimed game developer is bringing forth a macabre gift for its fans. In...
Lionsgate Unveils NSFW Trailer for Directorial Debut "Squealer" – A Chilling Thriller Based on True Events.
As 2022 drew to a close, we received exciting news that production had concluded on the enigmatic psychedelic horror film titled “The Trip.” The film boasts...
Get ready for an early New Year’s Eve celebration with Tubi’s latest spine-tingling offering, the Tubi Original horror movie titled “Dante’s Hotel.” This hair-raising film is...
French Filmmaker Franck Khalfoun Returns with Survival Horror Film 'Night of the Hunted'.
Fans of psychological horror are in for a treat as Vertical Reach’s throwback title, ‘The Tartarus Key,’ is set to receive a physical release for both...
Mike Flanagan's Upcoming Netflix Series "The Fall of the House of Usher" Premieres in Three Days.
Following its successful debut, “Castlevania: Nocturne” will return for a second season on Netflix. The series quickly climbed the ranks, reaching Netflix’s Top 10 English TV...