In Jason Miller‘s inaugural directorial venture, “Ghosts of the Void,” a chilling exploration of the American Dream’s fragility takes center stage. A newly released trailer delves...
Womp Stomp Films Unleashes "Never Hike Alone 2," the Much-Anticipated Fan Film Sequel.
Get ready for a spine-chilling treat just in time for Halloween. Full Moon Productions is set to unleash a new supernatural horror film titled “Bring Her...
FX is set to deliver a spine-tingling Halloween treat with the return of their spinoff series, “American Horror Stories,” this month. This special four-episode event promises...
The season finale of “The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon” recently graced the screens on AMC, and it brought an exciting revelation. The main show’s beloved character,...
DreamWorks Animation is making this spooky season a delightful one for families. Following the release of “Fright Krewe” at the start of the month, their next...
Fans of tinyBuild and Scythe Dev Team’s horror games are in for a spine-tingling experience with the release of ‘Return to Northbury Grove,’ a gripping follow-up...
Get ready for a new Netflix series, “Creature,” which reimagines Mary Shelley’s classic tale of Frankenstein. Premiering on October 20, this Swedish series promises to deliver...
Godzilla is set to make a roaring return in the upcoming Apple TV+ series “Monarch: Legacy of Monsters” from Legendary Television. This small screen expansion of...
The directors of “The Passenger,” Raúl Cerezo and Fernando González Gómez, have a new project on the horizon titled “The Elderly.” Bloody Disgusting reports that an...