For fans of Robert Eggers’ eerie masterpiece, “The Lighthouse,” and those who found delight in Hidden Fields’ “Mundaun,” there’s a new must-see title on the horizon...
The arduous journey leading up to the Early Access release of ‘Ripout,’ a co-op sci-fi horror FPS developed by 3D Realms and Pet Project Games, has...
Sam Esmail, the creator of “Mr. Robot,” has taken the director’s chair for the upcoming Netflix apocalypse thriller, “Leave the World Behind.” Netflix has just released...
Psychedelic Horror Film "Do Not Disturb" Unleashes a Cannibal Nightmare.
Before the age of “Sharknado” stormed into pop culture, prolific producer Roger Corman introduced the world to “Sharktopus” in 2010, a SYFY original movie that featured...
Netflix's Blockbuster Hit "Squid Game" Inspires Reality Competition Spinoff: "Squid Game: The Challenge".
Prime Video Expands Video Game Adaptations with "Fallout" TV Series.
Prepare for a cinematic experience like no other as “The Hyperborean” emerges from the creative minds of Tony Burgess, the writer behind “Pontypool,” and the director...
Psychological horror movie Soul Mates releases in theaters on October 20, 2023.