Andrew Lincoln, known for his portrayal of Rick Grimes, and Danai Gurira, who brought Michonne to life, reunite in “The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live,”...
Airdorf, known for developing FAITH: The Unholy Trinity, is shifting gears for their upcoming title, Excuse Me Sir, opting for point-and-click FMV-style adventure gameplay. Adding an...
Directed by Jenn Wexler (known for “The Ranger”), The Sacrifice Game is set to haunt Shudder during the holiday season, and the official trailer has descended...
Dark Sky Films has secured the upcoming slasher movie “Founders Day,” set to hit theaters in the first quarter of 2024, as reported by The Hollywood...
Zack Snyder’s upcoming sci-fi film, “Rebel Moon,” is set to premiere exclusively on Netflix on December 22, marking the first installment in a sweeping saga spanning...
Labeled as “a crazy mix of comedy and action,” Reiki Tsuno’s film “Mad Cats” is set to debut on the Midnight Pulp streaming service on November...
Following the success of the five-season animated series “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous,” Netflix has unveiled a spinoff titled “Jurassic World: Chaos Theory,” set to premiere in...
When it comes to the horror genre, the woods always hide something ominous. A fresh trailer for the New Zealand psychological thriller “Loop Track” suggests that...
Following a successful festival run, which commenced with its 2023 SXSW Grand Jury Award win, writer/director Paris Zarcilla’s inaugural feature film, “Raging Grace,” is gearing up...
Wild Eye Releasing is delivering a chilling gift this holiday season with a fresh addition to the indie horror genre, “Nightmare on 34th Street.” This unsettling...