French director Xavier Gens, known for ‘Frontiers’ and ‘Cold Skin,’ returns with the action-packed thriller ‘Mayhem!’ IFC Films recently dropped the film’s trailer and announced its...
Director Barnaby Clay marks his feature debut with Magnet Releasing’s thrilling film, “The Seeding,” focusing on a lost hiker seeking refuge with a lone woman in...
The trailer for ‘No Way Up,’ a gripping fusion of disaster and survival thriller, has surfaced, promising a harrowing tale of a plane crash and its...
Neon recently dropped a trailer for the film ‘Handling the Undead,’ a creation based on the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist, known for his work on...
Georgina Campbell, known for her role in “Barbarian,” ventures back into horror with the ’90s-style sci-fi thriller “T.I.M.” (Technologically Integrated Manservant). The official trailer hints at...
The Arctic’s chilling veil engulfs “True Detective: Night Country,” a fresh chapter of HBO’s renowned series set to debut on Max (previously HBO Max) next month....
Prime Video has unveiled the inaugural glimpse into the upcoming fourth season of “The Boys,” promising intensified diabolical antics from Homelander (played by Antony Starr) during...
The second season of the horror-comedy series “Shining Vale” is nearing its conclusion, with the second-to-last episode titled “Coven” set to debut this week. Prior to...
Techland continues its streak of crossovers in “Dying Light 2,” this time partnering with Ubisoft to introduce elements from Ubisoft’s “For Honor” into the expansive zombie-filled...
Darren Lynn Bousman, known for his work on films like ‘Saw II-IV’ and ‘Spiral,’ returns with a chilling new horror movie titled ‘The Cello,’ which premiered...