Actress Aisling Franciosi, known for her roles in “The Nightingale” and “Last Voyage of the Demeter,” is set to star in the upcoming horror film “Stopmotion,”...
Apple TV+ unveils the trailer for “Constellation,” an upcoming eight-part psychological thriller drama series featuring Noomi Rapace and Jonathan Banks. Scheduled to premiere globally on Wednesday,...
“Infested” (aka “Vermines”) is allegedly “one of the best spider attack movies in years. “Shudder has acquired the rights for U.S. release, though a specific date...
Real-life serial killer John Wayne Gacy has been the focus of various horror films throughout the years, portrayed by Brian Dennehy in “To Catch a Killer”...
Adam Sandler teams up with a spider alien, voiced by Paul Dano, in Netflix’s upcoming original science fiction drama, “Spaceman,” directed by Johan Renck of “Chernobyl”...
NEON’s enigmatic horror movie marketing campaign for the upcoming year has captivated the horror community. Last week, the distributor initiated the buzz with a spine-chilling 35-second...
“Why isn’t this film titled ‘Sharks on a Plane,’ you might be asking? Well, despite its whimsical premise, ‘No Way Up‘ appears to be a genuinely...
The Fouke Monster Resurfaces in New Half-Hour Series, Now Accessible on DVD.
The recently unveiled project, previously known as the “Untitled Monster Thriller” from the collaboration between Radio Silence (known for V/H/S, Southbound, Scream, and Scream VI) and...
Looking for a new companion? Lionsgate and Blumhouse unveil Chauncey, a seemingly adorable teddy bear with an ominous side, in the upcoming horror flick “Imaginary.” Drawing...