Director Jaume Collet-Serra (known for House of Wax, Orphan, and The Shallows) returns with the Universal & Blumhouse thriller The...
Sony Pictures has released the first look at the upcoming Until Dawn movie adaptation, giving fans a glimpse of what’s to come in this thrilling horror...
In Steven Soderbergh’s Presence, a family moves into a suburban home, only to become convinced that they’re not alone. As they grapple with the unsettling presence...
After a cryptic first teaser, the official trailer for Companion has finally been released, offering a deeper look at the sci-fi twist of this upcoming horror...
This Valentine’s Day, love takes a bloody turn. The filmmakers behind Freaky, Happy Death Day, and Werewolves Within have teamed up for this year’s slasher flick,...
‘Birdeater’ transforms a bachelor party weekend into a chilling nightmare, and Dark Sky Films has released a new trailer and poster that capture the intense, “feral”...
From the director of Hellhole and Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight, Bartosz M. Kowalski, comes a chilling new dark horror fantasy, Night Silence. The film...
Jaume Collet-Serra, the director behind Orphan and The Shallows, is bringing a holiday twist to the thriller genre with Carry-On, a Christmas-themed suspense film hitting Netflix...
Netflix has officially announced that the highly anticipated fifth and final season of Stranger Things will premiere in 2025. Fans were also treated to a first...
Motherhood continues to be a rich theme for horror in The Beldham, the directorial debut of Angela Gulner. A chilling new clip from this psychological thriller...