The Adams Family, known for their films like “The Deeper You Dig” and “Hellbender,” is back with their latest creation, “Where the Devil Roams.” This new...
The Adams Family Strikes Again with 'Where the Devil Roams' - Tubi Secures Exclusive Premiere.
Tubi, known for its constant stream of affordable original thrillers, has cemented its position as a Mini Lifetime for the Streaming Wars era, consistently releasing about...
Tubi, the renowned streaming platform known for its vast catalog of free movies, often overlooks its own impressive lineup of Tubi Originals, particularly in the horror...
Director Erik Bloomquist, known for his work on films like “Ten Minutes to Midnight” and “Long Lost,” returns with the thrilling slasher throwback, “She Came from...
Tubi, the streaming platform, has released a brand new horror movie titled ‘The Amityville Curse,’ which serves as a modern adaptation of Hans Holzer’s 1981 novel....
Deadline shares that Tubi has begun principal photography on dark western thriller The Thicket, based on Joe R. Lansdale’s novel of the same name. The movie...
Tubi‘s remake of the Terror Train was released for the Halloween season, and a sequel is headed our way for New Year’s Eve. The sequel wrapped...
Would you set sail on a ship called the Titanic? Several passengers learn the hard way that going on the Titanic 3 was a bad idea....