Synopsis Wednesday is an upcoming American comedy horror television series, based upon the character Wednesday Addams of The Addams Family. Produced by MGM Television, the series...
Let’s start with the synopsis! “She is driving back to her secluded home, after meeting at a bar, a player who thinks his mysterious date will...
Synopsis A small country girl finds a mysterious egg in a field and brings it to her town Now a giant nine-meters monster rises from...
Synopsis They must fight to protect their nation from intervening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. “As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next...
Spoiler Alert Synopsis Caretakers at a California horse ranch encounter a mysterious force that affects human and animal behavior. It’s very clear that Peele is inspired...
Synopsis: The Roman Catholic Church combats a global rise in demonic possessions by opening a school to train priests to perform exorcisms. Although nuns are forbidden...
Synopsis: After witnessing a bizarre, traumatic incident involving a patient, Dr. Rose Cotter starts experiencing frightening occurrences that she can’t explain. As an overwhelming terror begins...
Esther’s terrifying saga continues in this thrilling prequel to the original and shocking horror hit, Orphan
FX’s hit docu-comedy about a household of modern vampire roommates has taken fans by storm, and with the release of a new trailer for the upcoming...
A new intriguing horror titled Offseason will be released in select theatres, VOD on March 11th 2022. Upon receiving a strange letter that her mother’s gravesite...