Peacock’s forthcoming series “Teacup,” based on Robert McCammon’s “Stinger,” is set to be produced by James Wan. Deadline reports that Scott Speedman, known for his role...
Need more proof of horrorâs year-round dominance? Look no further than streaming services at the beginning of each month, offering a plethora of new additions across...
Lionsgate and director Renny Harlin are gearing up for a fresh trilogy, starting with The Strangers: Chapter 1, set for a theatrical debut on May 17,...
Director Renny Harlin (Deep Blue Sea, Exorcist: The Beginning, Cliffhanger) has been a busy man. He is rebooting The Strangers franchise with a trilogy that he has already completed according to Entertainment...
Prepare to dive back into the eerie world of “The Strangers” as Lionsgate gears up to deliver an entire trilogy set in this chilling universe, with...
Lionsgate is preparing to unveil a brand-new trilogy of “The Strangers” movies, and today, we’ve received exciting news that “The Strangers Trilogy” is set for release...
In this list, you will find all the most anticipated genre films of 2023 that have yet to be released!
Last time we spoke we told you that a new ‘The Strangers’ is coming (read the news). âThe Strangersâ that movie that scared you so badly,...
Bryan Bertino’s ‘The Strangers’ (2008) was a successful horror movie which depicted horrors that happened in real life! Keep reading! ‘The Strangers’ (2008) Movie 2008 was...