Bonnie Aarons plays the titular demon Valek in The Conjuring universe’s spin-off The Nun. According to The Hollywood Reporter, she is suing Warner Bros. over what she claims to be shortfalls...
The darkest – and most financially successful – chapter in The Conjuring Universe continues in The Nun II this September, and the film has been officially rated “R” this week....
The terror continues as Taissa Farmiga reprises her role as Sister Irene in ‘The Nun 2‘, and Entertainment Weekly has unveiled a first look image that...
Autumn is mostly known for its spooky season, especially among the horror fandom. Halloween is a few months away, and so is the fall. There are...
In this list, you will find all the most anticipated genre films of 2023 that have yet to be released!
Director Michael Chaves (Curse of La Llorona, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It) returns with the demon Valak in ‘The Nun 2’ another sequel...