Sony had more in store at the Consumer Electronics Show 2025, unveiling new film projects, including a Helldivers adaptation. Alongside that, they shared exciting details about...
In the forthcoming horror film “Tarot,” a group of friends inadvertently unleashes an unimaginable evil when they disregard the cardinal rule of Tarot readings – never...
Previously titled ‘The Bride’, this Dracula inspired film is coming to theaters on August 26, 2022 brought by Sony Screen Gems. Here’s the plot: After the...
This review contains spoilers. I should start off by saying Daniel Espinosa’s “Morbius” isn’t as bad as some viewers are painting it to be. Sony’s latest...
Sony’s third entry to their expanded Spider-Man Universe, vampire flick “Morbius,” had an underwhelming opening at the box office. The movie fell short of industry expectations,...