Parker Finn’s horror sequel, ‘Smile 2‘, is set to hit theaters on October 18, and Paramount is building excitement with a brand new Final Trailer released...
Naomi Scott (Aladdin) stars in the upcoming horror sequel Smile 2, directed again by Parker Finn. Paramount has released a new official trailer for the film...
The ensemble cast for Parker Finn’s anticipated sequel “Smile 2” continues to expand, with Deadline reporting that Raúl Castillo (“Army of the Dead”) and Miles Gutierrez-Riley...
As we embark on the journey that is 2024, horror movie enthusiasts find themselves immersed in a sea of anticipation for what promises to be a...
Director Parker Finn is set to return to helm the sequel to “Smile” for Paramount, although an official title for the film has not been announced...
Parker Finn‘s successful horror flick, “Smile,” is set to receive a follow-up with the upcoming release of “Smile 2,” as reported by Deadline. Lukas Gage, known...
Parker Finn’s horror flick “Smile,” an adaptation derived from his own short film “Laura Hasn’t Slept,” is set to expand its haunting narrative with “Smile 2”...
Following the resounding success of “Smile,” the spine-tingling horror film adapted from his own short film “Laura Hasn’t Slept,” Parker Finn is set to terrify audiences...
Parker Finn’s Smile, a hugely successful horror movie that was an adaptation of his own short film Laura Hasn’t Slept, was released last year, and today...