SCREAMBOX Original Shifted, which has drawn similarities to The Thing and Night of the Living Dead, debuts on April 18. A serial killer is concealed among...
The much-anticipated psychological horror film Family Dinner, which premiered at Tribeca earlier this year, will be available on SCREAMBOX tomorrow. With its recent participation in Fantastic...
Lovers of David Cronenberg and body horror should prepare for the breathtaking sci-fi thriller New Religion, which Cinedigm purchased today from the Slamdance Film Festival. Cinedigm...
Living With Chucky, a full-fledged Child’s Play documentary that celebrates the entire franchise, is now streaming on SCREAMBOX. What distinguishes this documentary? Kyra Elise Gardner, the...
The kids aren’t ok in Sebastian Godwin’s domestic thriller Homebound, which is now streaming on Bloody Disgusting’s SCREAMBOX. Check out the trailer up here! Homebound follows...
After breaking the box office in Vietnam, Screambox snatched the film ‘Vietnamese Horror Story’ and it’s now streaming on the platform. In the film: “Terrifying tales...