In the world of The Beauty, a comic series from Image Comics, achieving physical perfection is possible—but it comes with a devastating cost. This chilling concept...
FX is set to bring back the spinoff “American Horror Stories” next month with a special five-episode event as part of Hulu’s annual Huluween celebration. This...
FX is set to deliver a spine-tingling Halloween treat with the return of their spinoff series, “American Horror Stories,” this month. This special four-episode event promises...
American Horror Story 12 is officially titled American Horror Story: Delicate, and FX has announced this morning that “Part One” will premiere on September 20, 2023....
Prominent television producer, Ryan Murphy, has threatened to sue Warren Leight, a strike captain and member of the Writers Guild of America’s (WGA) Strike Rules Compliance...
The upcoming episode of Netflix and Ryan Murphy’s “Monster” anthology series will be called Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, and it was announced today....
Netflix’s newest addition to its true crime catalogue, Monster: The Jeffery Dahmer Story, is just the most recent example of serial killer stories becoming overly dramatized....
Evan Peters from American Horror Story will play the killer Jeffrey Dahmer in this upcoming Netflix TV series by Ryan Murphy. “Dahmer” comes to Netflix on...
Mr. Harrigan’s Phone is an adaptation of one of the short stories contained inside Stephen King ‘If it Bleeds’ four-novella collection (2020). The film will be...