UK audiences can rejoice as Kaleidoscope Home Entertainment is set to release “Hollywood Dreams & Nightmares: The Robert Englund Story.” This compelling documentary, which first premiered...
A town holds its secrets close, shrouded in mystery and concealed from prying eyes. Dwight H. Little, renowned for his directorial work on Halloween 4: The...
Vertical acquires ‘Natty Knocks,’ Starring Robert Englund, Bill Moseley, and Danielle Harris, Directed by Dwight H. Little, Known for ‘Halloween 4’ Vertical has secured the North...
This review contains spoilers. “His tongue or her ear?” That’s the first choice Hal (Eddie Marsan) has to make when he boots CURS>R, the retro video...
“Every ending has a beginning”. This is the tagline for the new season of “Stranger Things”, along with a brand new poster that you can see...
Robert Englund stars with Asa Butterfield (The Wolfman) in Choose or Die, previously named CURS>R, set to debut on Netflix on April 15. “After firing up...