Focus Features is set to ring in Christmas with a chilling new take on Nosferatu, directed by Robert Eggers (The Witch, The Lighthouse). This fresh adaptation...
Acclaimed director Robert Eggers (known for The Witch and The Lighthouse) is giving the horror classic Nosferatu a fresh spin this holiday season. Focus Features has...
The Halloween season will extend into Christmas with the release of Robert Eggers‘ ‘Nosferatu‘ on December 25, 2024. New images have just been unveiled, offering a...
Christmas is just four months away, and so is Robert Eggers’ highly anticipated remake of Nosferatu, set to premiere on December 25, 2024. A new image...
The much-anticipated trailer for Robert Eggers’ remake of ‘Nosferatu‘ made its debut exclusively in theaters over the weekend, followed swiftly by its online release as promised....
As we embark on the journey that is 2024, horror movie enthusiasts find themselves immersed in a sea of anticipation for what promises to be a...
Willem Dafoe revisits the haunting world of Nosferatu, transitioning from his role as Max Schreck in 2000’s “Shadow of the Vampire” to portray a human-turned-vampire hunter...
In the past couple of weeks, we have seen a couple of images from Robert Egger’s upcoming Nosferatu. The first of those images revealed Lily-Rose Depp in...
One of the most eagerly anticipated horror films of the upcoming year is Robert Eggers’ remake of Nosferatu, a project eagerly awaited by fans of his...
NECA Extends Tribute to Classic Horror with New 'Nosferatu' and 'London After Midnight' Action Figures.