Spoiler Alert Synopsis Caretakers at a California horse ranch encounter a mysterious force that affects human and animal behavior. It’s very clear that Peele is inspired...
As promised, the final trailer for Jordan Peeleâs third horror movie Nope has arrived, and itâs loaded up with all kinds of new footage and additional...
In the film, âResidents in a lonely gulch of inland California bear witness to an uncanny and chilling discovery.â With the marketing campaign underway today we...
A brand new poster for Jordan Peele’s new horror movie ‘Nope’ has just been released this morning. In the poster we see a bunch of items...
Jordan Peele, whose fantastic work in the horror genre can be seen with his hit thriller classics, âGet Outâ and âUsâ has debuted his new film...
Jordan Peele, whose fantastic work in the horror genre can be seen with his hit thriller classics, ‘Get Out’ and ‘Us’ has debuted his new film...