There is a new Thai thriller that has just shaken up the charts on Netflix. Delete, has claimed the number four spot on the streaming giant’s platform...
Streaming tycoon, Netflix, just dropped a new horror flick titled Run Rabbit Run this week and it is a terrifying, creepy kid movie that has social media abuzz with...
Netflix has officially announced the return of the highly acclaimed series “Squid Game” for its second season, along with the remaining cast members who will be...
A highly anticipated spinoff movie set in the world of the 2018 hit ‘Bird Box’ is making its way to the screens. Titled ‘Bird Box Barcelona,’...
A mysterious Netflix movie has caught our attention with its recent appearance in the official MPA listings. Titled ‘The Count,’ the project remains shrouded in secrecy,...
Highly Anticipated “Black Mirror” Season 6 Trailer Drops: Unpredictable and Unconventional Episodes Arrive on June 15! Check the trailer up here! Netflix has unveiled the official...
Netflix has released a chilling teaser for the upcoming horror film ‘Sister Death‘ (aka ‘Hermana Muerte’), which serves as a prequel to the acclaimed movie ‘Veronica’...
The Platform by Galder Gaztelu-Irrutia, the most well-liked Spanish film in Netflix history, pleased and made a killing in 2020. With a collection of fresh photos,...
In Sarah Snook‘s (“Succession”) upcoming psychological horror film Run Rabbit Run on Netflix, the kids are not safe. The Australian horror film’s new trailer, which gives...
The upcoming episode of Netflix and Ryan Murphy’s “Monster” anthology series will be called Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, and it was announced today....