Adapted from the tales of Edgar Allan Poe, Netflix’s upcoming series “The Fall of the House of Usher,” which is helmed by Mike Flanagan and serves...
Coming to Netflix this month is the eagerly anticipated docuseries “Encounters,” a collaborative effort from Steven Spielberg‘s Amblin Television, Vice Studios, and Boardwalk Pictures (known for...
The Castlevania franchise is coming back to Netflix with a brand new animated series, Castlevania: Nocturne. The series will focus on the origin story of Richter...
Netflix has released a teaser trailer for its upcoming series “Bodies,” a time-traveling murder mystery that follows four detectives as they investigate the same crime across...
Paco Plaza, known for co-directing the acclaimed “[REC]” series, is bringing us a prequel to his chilling film “Veronica” titled “Sister Death” (also known as “Hermana...
In 2021, the third installment of the renowned horror franchise, “The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It,” continued the tradition of drawing inspiration from real-life...
The entire “Jaws” franchise, featuring the iconic great white shark, is splashing back on Netflix’s streaming platform this September. Get ready to revisit the aquatic horrors...
Benicio Del Toro and Alicia Silverstone Reunite for Netflix's Thriller 'Reptile'.
From Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Television, Vice Studios, and Boardwalk Pictures (Pepsi, Where’s My Jet?) comes the docuseries Encounters, which is headed to Netflix soon. Deadline was the first to...
It is hard to deny that Netflix is the dominant force when it comes to streaming content. The July 2023 schedule has been released on what to expect from Netflix,...