Following its premiere at Sundance, Netflix has made a substantial $17 million investment to secure the global rights for the horror film “It’s What’s Inside,” as...
Adam Sandler teams up with a spider alien, voiced by Paul Dano, in Netflix’s upcoming original science fiction drama, “Spaceman,” directed by Johan Renck of “Chernobyl”...
Netflix and Ryan Murphy’s upcoming addition to the ‘Monster’ anthology series is titled “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story.” Set to debut on Netflix in...
Netflix is returning to R.L. Stine’s Fear Street universe with a new movie, as confirmed by the author himself. The upcoming film, based on Stine’s 1992...
Netflix surprises us occasionally with physical releases of their original content, and the latest addition to this trend is the arrival of “Wednesday” on Blu-ray! Mark...
Jenna Ortega’s starring role in “Wednesday” has become a massive success for Netflix, and it seems the streaming giant is brewing up its very own Addams...
Netflix’s colossal hit, “Squid Game,” not only captured viewers but also spawned its own reality competition, “Squid Game: The Challenge.” Now, following its recent debut, Netflix...
Following the unveiling of five fresh nightmares earlier this year in its sixth season, Netflix has greenlit “Black Mirror” for Season 7, as reported by Variety....
Zack Snyder’s 2021 zombie epic, “Army of the Dead,” initially promised an animated series spin-off known as “Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas.” However, updates on...
Netflix launches “Stranger Things Day” with an exclusive sneak peek of “Stranger Things: The First Shadow,” an upcoming live stage play set to hit London later...