NEON has unleashed the much-anticipated trailer for “Eileen,” described as a “wild Hitchcockian noir.” The film, featuring Anne Hathaway and Thomasin McKenzie, known for her role...
Bishal Dutta’s upcoming horror film, “It Lives Inside,” is set to hit theaters on September 22nd, courtesy of NEON, and today, we have a new poster...
Prepare to be spellbound by the upcoming horror film, “It Lives Inside,” directed by Bishal Dutta. This chilling cinematic experience is set to hit theaters on...
Director Bishal Dutta’s chilling horror flick, “It Lives Inside,” has become a hotly anticipated movie for the latter half of 2023. Set to hit theaters on...
Prepare for a slow and chilling descent into terror with NEON‘s upcoming horror movie, “It Lives Inside,” directed by Bishal Dutta and produced by the masterminds...
The 20th anniversary of Park Chan-wook’s Oldboy is being widely recognized by NEON. An official poster for the impending restoration of the mind-blowing revenge movie was...
It slowly consumes you rather than instantly killing you. This afternoon, NEON released the official trailer for It Lives Inside from filmmaker Bishal Dutta and Get...
It slowly consumes you rather than instantly killing you. The horror film It Lives Inside, by filmmaker Bishal Dutta, will shortly be released, and NEON unveiled...
In the new thriller Sanctuary from NEON, it’s his game but her rules, and the official teaser released today gives a sneak peek at the twisted...
Variety reports that NEON has chosen the Sundance film Eileen, a thriller with a cast led by Anne Hathaway and Thomasin McKenzie (Last Night in Soho). According...