AMC Theatres is set to embrace the romantic spirit of Valentine’s Day with a special collaboration with A24. The partnership introduces a unique event named A24...
With the release of MaXXXine, the third installment of Ti West’s X trilogy, the 1980s will be introduced to the title character played by Mia Goth...
After delivering standout performances in X, Pearl, and Infinity Pool, Mia Goth is, according to a report from Deadline, involved in Marvel’s Blade movie as a...
Deadline this week gives us some interesting (possible) casting news for Guillermo del Toro’s upcoming Netflix adaptation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Mia Goth (Pearl), Oscar Isaac...
Director Ti West’s prequel “Pearl” brings us the backstory of the monstrous villain of a dark sadomasochism picture. Discover where to buy the tickets down below!...