The shark attack sequel, “Meg 2: The Trench,” has already made quite a splash, devouring $319 million in box office earnings worldwide. Now, it’s set to...
In 2018, “The Meg” made a colossal splash at the box office, debuting with a whopping $45 million in the United States and ultimately amassing a...
Prepare for an adrenaline-pumping adventure as the fearsome sharks return in “Meg 2: The Trench,” hitting the big screen tonight. Ahead of the release, Rotten Tomatoes...
The colossal shark phenomenon is back! Meg 2: The Trench, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2018 international blockbuster that devoured a staggering $530 million, is...
'Meg 2: The Trench' Unleashes Spectacular Chinese Poster Ahead of International Debut.
Get ready for the highly-anticipated sequel to the thrilling shark attack film, as ‘Meg 2: The Trench‘ is set to make a splash in theaters on...
Today at CinemaCon, Warner Bros. unveiled the first trailer for the upcoming shark attack sequel Meg 2: The Trench, and the audience seemed to be rather...
Meg 2: The Trench is coming. Filming is underway, and the movie has an August 4, 2023 release date. Jason Statham will be back as Jonas...
“Meg 2 – The Tranch” will be back! THR gave the news, that Sienna Guillory (Resident Evil: Afterlife), Skyler Samuels (“Scream Queens”) and Sergio Peris-Mencheta (Rambo:...