David Fincher’s 2002 thriller Panic Room, starring Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart, is getting a Brazilian remake, according to Variety. The remake is being produced by...
Fresh from its World Premiere at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival, director Rose Glass’s romantic thriller “Love Lies Bleeding” is set to hit theaters on March...
In the upcoming romantic thriller “Love Lies Bleeding,” directed by Rose Glass of “Saint Maud” fame, Kristen Stewart takes center stage in a tale of vengeance...
The Thrills and Chills of the Paranormal Await in Hulu’s New Series “Living for the Dead” Hulu is set to bring a spine-tingling and entertaining twist...
Kristen Stewart and Elle Fanning to Star in Modern Adaptation of ‘Fists in the Pocket‘. According to Deadline, Kristen Stewart and Elle Fanning have been announced...