A project that had flown under the radar is now making waves as Universal and Jordan Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions unleash an impressive trailer for the film...
Jordan Peele’s production company, Monkeypaw Productions, secured the rights to a horror movie pitch titled “Goat” a couple of years ago, and an update has been...
Jordan Peele emerged onto the cinematic scene in 2017 with the groundbreaking success of “Get Out,” earning critical acclaim, substantial box office numbers, and an impressive...
Recent reports indicate a shift in plans for Jordan Peele’s highly anticipated fourth film, which was initially slated for release on December 25, 2024, by Universal...
Universal Studios will release Jordan Peele’s fourth film at the end of next year. We do not yet know the title or the narrative. On December...
As promised, the final trailer for Jordan Peele‘s third horror movie Nope has arrived, and it’s loaded up with all kinds of new footage and additional...
In the film, “Residents in a lonely gulch of inland California bear witness to an uncanny and chilling discovery.” With the marketing campaign underway today we...
A brand new poster for Jordan Peele’s new horror movie ‘Nope’ has just been released this morning. In the poster we see a bunch of items...
Jordan Peele, whose fantastic work in the horror genre can be seen with his hit thriller classics, ‘Get Out’ and ‘Us’ has debuted his new film...