FX is set to bring back the spinoff “American Horror Stories” next month with a special five-episode event as part of Hulu’s annual Huluween celebration. This...
Amy Adams is set to headline the horror project “Nightbitch” from Searchlight Pictures, recently earning an R-rating from the MPA. The news, initially tucked within a...
FX is set to deliver a spine-tingling Halloween treat with the return of their spinoff series, “American Horror Stories,” this month. This special four-episode event promises...
Hulu delves into the realm of extreme haunted houses in their original documentary titled “Monster Inside: America’s Most Extreme Haunted House.” This upcoming Huluween Original Documentary...
After his comedic stint in “Vacation Friends” and its yet-to-be-watched sequel for Hulu, Lil Rel Howery is switching genres to star in another Hulu Original. This...
Anna Zlokovic’s directorial debut, the body horror film “Appendage,” had its world premiere at the SXSW Film Festival earlier this year. Now, it’s gearing up for...
Following the return of the Evil Dead franchise to theaters earlier this year with Evil Dead Rise, the beloved horror-comedy TV series “Ash vs. Evil Dead”...
Brian Duffield’s ‘No One Will Save You,’ now available for streaming on Hulu, unfolds as a haunting symphony of silence, primarily driven by Kaitlyn Dever’s remarkable...
In addition to the new season, American Horror Story: Delicate, FX has also announced American Horror Stories: Four Episode Huluween Event for this Halloween season. FX tweets,...
July is currently underway, and for those looking for some epic horror and thriller films to satisfy your fear-inducing cravings, Hulu has got you covered. Classics like Alien, Day...