Synopsis For best friends Becky and Hunter, life is all about conquering fears and pushing limits. However, after they climb 2,000 feet to the top of...
Synopsis Plagued by horrific nightmares, a woman enters a hellish dreamscape to confront her greatest fears. Harbinger combines our reality with a classic horror plot....
Synopsis Blonde tells the life of one of Hollywood’s icons, Marilyn Monroe (Ana de Armas). From her childhood as Norma Jeane, through her rise to stardom...
Synopsis Pearl is billed as an origin story for X’s murderess of the same name. It finds the character tending to her ailing father under the bitter...
Synopsis A small country girl finds a mysterious egg in a field and brings it to her town Now a giant nine-meters monster rises from...
Spoiler Alert Synopsis Caretakers at a California horse ranch encounter a mysterious force that affects human and animal behavior. It’s very clear that Peele is inspired...
Synopsis: The Roman Catholic Church combats a global rise in demonic possessions by opening a school to train priests to perform exorcisms. Although nuns are forbidden...
Do you believe in blessings? This is the first question we’re asked in Kevin Ko’s new film, Incantation. Blessings can be used to spread prosperity, and...
Synopsis: After witnessing a bizarre, traumatic incident involving a patient, Dr. Rose Cotter starts experiencing frightening occurrences that she can’t explain. As an overwhelming terror begins...
Hey there, my name is Cindy Sanabria aka Slaughter Cin, She-Wolf Empress of Gore! You may (or may not) know me as the horror host, filmmaker,...