There is a new Thai thriller that has just shaken up the charts on Netflix. Delete, has claimed the number four spot on the streaming giant’s platform...
The Fourth of July, otherwise known as Independence Day in the United States of America, is a federal holiday celebrated with fireworks, barbecue, and beer! Not many people are...
Streaming tycoon, Netflix, just dropped a new horror flick titled Run Rabbit Run this week and it is a terrifying, creepy kid movie that has social media abuzz with...
Earlier this month, it was reported that a new Friday the 13th video game will be released by a brand new development company, and long-time Friday the 13th musical composer,...
Blumhouse has been a big asset to the horror genre the past couple of decades, with the Halloween trilogy, the upcoming Exorcist trilogy, and franchises, including The Conjuring, Insidious, and Sinister making...
The Evil Dead franchise is alive and well, as proven by the success of its latest installment into the franchise, Evil Dead Rise. The new film, which is...
In a world dominated by incredible heroes and villains, one unusual protagonist comes to deliver justice in the most unexpected way. “Eggbeater” is a thrilling comic...
Autumn is mostly known for its spooky season, especially among the horror fandom. Halloween is a few months away, and so is the fall. There are...
One of the world’s leading film and television memorabilia companies, Propstore, kickstarted a new memorabilia auction on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 that included over 500 rare and iconic pieces...
The year 2023 is going to be a big one for animatronics, at least as far as Spirit Halloween is concerned. Spirit Halloween just announced a total of...