The HBO Max series “Welcome to Derry,” an official prequel to the two Andy Muschietti IT movies based on the works of Stephen King, began filming...
Warner Bros. Discovery has revealed that the new series “Welcome to Derry” will serve as an official prequel to the two Andy Muschietti IT movies, which...
Deadline has just shared that ‘It’ prequel series titled Welcome to Derry has been approved by HBO Max. HBO Max is expanding the world of Stephen...
Are you missing new ‘Game of Thrones‘ episodes? Then you will be happy to know that the 10-episode prequel ‘House of the Dragon‘ is coming to...
After scoring more than $1 billion dollars at the box office ‘IT’ is heading back to the small screen. “The series would likely explore the origin...
HBO streaming platform has gathered quite a few interesting Stephen Kings movie adaptations. Here is every Stephen King title currently available on HBO Max The Shining,...