The Evil Dead franchise is alive and well, as proven by the success of its latest installment into the franchise, Evil Dead Rise. The new film, which is...
In celebration of the brand-new franchise entry Evil Dead Rise, which is currently screening in theaters all across the country, a brand-new piece of retro-inspired poster...
The fifth movie in the series, Evil Dead Rise, which hits theaters this weekend, expands the saga beyond the cabin and the characters we are familiar...
This Friday marks the theatrical release of director Lee Cronin’s brand-new film Evil Dead Rise. This week is known as “Evil Dead Week.” One of the...
Alyssa Sutherland, Lily Sullivan, and Jane Levy from the film Evil Dead 2013 were spotted hanging out earlier this week, and today we have received an...
In this list, you will find all the most anticipated genre films of 2023 that have yet to be released!
Two brand-new trailers were released this week, and tickets for Evil Dead Rise are currently on sale. The videos, titled “Burned Alive” and “Good Girl,” show...
With just one more week until its release, the Evil Dead Rise marketing campaign is ramping up, and today offers a brand new official poster for...
Tickets for Evil Dead Rise are currently on sale, and a brand new video was released today. This one comes from Fandango and builds on a...
In celebration of the release of Evil Dead Rise merchandise, the team has released a brand new piece of poster art. “Come to mama,”. Evil Dead...