Over the past weekend, “The Exorcist: Believer,” directed by David Gordon Green and serving as a legacy sequel to the iconic horror franchise, achieved a significant...
David Gordon Green Reflects on "The Exorcist: Believer" and Collaborating with Ellen Burstyn.
Blumhouse and Universal aim to kickstart a fresh wave of films inspired by the groundbreaking 1973 movie featuring Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn.
In just a few more weeks, horror enthusiasts can rejoice as one of the genre’s most iconic franchises makes its triumphant return to the silver screen...
Exclusive Report: Miramax Explores Future Plans for the Halloween Franchise, Sparking Bidding War in Hollywood
Cinephiles will once again be thrust into the eerie world of demonic possession as “The Exorcist: Believer,” a legacy sequel to the iconic original, prepares to...
David Gordon Green’s Halloween trilogy concluded with Halloween Ends in October of last year, and now fans can delve deep into the entire trilogy with an...
Just a mere two weeks away from its theatrical release, “The Exorcist: Believer,” a legacy sequel to the iconic original, has unveiled a brand new featurette...
David Gordon Green Discusses New Trailer for "The Exorcist: Believer".
This Halloween season brings forth a highly anticipated theatrical release, none other than “The Exorcist: Believer,” a fresh “legacy sequel” to the original horror masterpiece helmed...