A24 and Peacock’s highly anticipated Friday the 13th television series “Crystal Lake” hit a major snag earlier this year, resulting in showrunner Bryan Fuller (“Hannibal”) being...
It has been previously reported on various platforms that A24 has pulled out of the prequel to the Friday the 13th franchise, Crystal Lake. However, that...
In the dimly lit corridors of the horror genre, A24 has carved a niche, crafting tales that have not only haunted audiences but also garnered a...
The extended prequel to the Friday the 13th movie franchise aptly titled Crystal Lake has been a discussion within the horror community since October of 2022. It has been previously...
“Friday the 13th” franchise composer, Harry Manfredini, has spilled some news that is set to excite the fandom of the Friday the 13th franchise! Not only will...