The Miyazawa’s were a typical middle class family living in the Setagaya ward of Tokyo, Japan. Mikio Miyazawa, his wife Yasuko, and their children Niina and...
In Amityville, New York, at 112 Ocean Ave, is located one of the world most infamous haunted house. With a long history of murders and abuses...
In 1970, in Connecticut, a mother bought a doll for her 20-year-old daughter Donna. The doll, belonged to the “Raggedy Ann” children’s product line and was...
Every year, hundreds of people go missing in US national parks, let's talk about the most disturbing ones...
Hinterkaifeck farm 1921, Bavaria. The Gruber family lived in a secluded area of Germany. Andreas and Cäzilia, the parents, Viktoria, their daughter who recently became a...
In 1981, the Japanese murderer Issei Sagawa, the "Kobe Cannibal", killed his friend Renée Hartevelt and ate her remain. Today he is free.
Most of you, horror addicts and gore enthusiast, probably don’t know that inside the peach state (Georgia) near Atlanta there are countless horror houses, some of...
Everyone knows that horror can cause us to feel terror, revulsion, and even paranoia. But the genre has a longstanding tradition of causing other emotions; sadness...
Welcome. In this article you will discover hidden fears by looking at some of the scariest pictures ever taken.
St. Patrick’s Day has a Massacre? St. Patrick has a massacre named after him just like St. Valentine does. Most don’t realize a slaughter took place...