After his comedic stint in “Vacation Friends” and its yet-to-be-watched sequel for Hulu, Lil Rel Howery is switching genres to star in another Hulu Original. This...
Amandla Stenberg, known for their role in “Bodies Bodies Bodies,” stars in the unique werewolf movie “My Animal,” which is now playing in select theaters and...
The Adams Family, known for their films like “The Deeper You Dig” and “Hellbender,” is back with their latest creation, “Where the Devil Roams.” This new...
The long-awaited release of Jenito Studios’ Limerick: Cadence Mansion has finally arrived. This fantasy thriller adventure title is now accessible on PC via Steam, offering a...
Now showing in theaters nationwide, Saw X, the latest installment from Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures, marks the return of Jigsaw to the big screen. The film...
Legendary Entertainment is resurrecting “The Toxic Avenger” in an R-rated remake directed by Macon Blair (known for “I Don’t Feel At Home in This World Anymore”...
Whether you’re into creepy toys, chilling attire, eerie artwork, haunting vinyl records, or more, we’ve got you covered. Here are this week’s standout horror collectibles: Halloween...
G Fuel recently introduced its officially licensed Friday the 13th energy drink, known as Hack ‘N’ Slash, and it’s exclusively offered at GNC outlets. Hack ‘N’...
Max is going all out to embrace the Halloween season, offering a spectacular “House of Halloween” interactive spotlight page that is now live. This unique experience...
Don Mancini’s popular series, “Chucky,” is gearing up for an exciting Season 3 premiere on both USA and SYFY, scheduled for October 4. To whet fans’...