Loch Ness Monster-themed horror movies are a rarity, making the upcoming release of “The Loch Ness Horror” an intriguing addition to the genre. Set to arrive...
The V/H/S franchise is back with a terrifying twist that’s sure to keep fans on the edge of their seats. The latest entry, titled “V/H/S/85,” is...
A few months ago, it was revealed that Dan Trachtenberg, the director known for his work on films like “10 Cloverfield Lane” and “Prey,” would be...
Since 2016, Colin Krawchuk has been tantalizing horror fans with glimpses of his malevolent creation, the Jester. Through a series of short films featuring this masked...
In a recent update, Paradox Interactive announced that “Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2” had brought a new developer, The Chinese Room, on board. Building upon...
The Christmas slasher film, “It’s a Wonderful Knife,” hails from the talented pen of writer Michael Kennedy (“Freaky”) and is directed by Tyler MacIntyre (“Tragedy Girls”)....
Spiral Bound Interactive’s homage to classic Survival Horror games, “You Will Die Here Tonight,” has officially set its release date just in time for Halloween. The...
Director Renny Harlin (Deep Blue Sea, Exorcist: The Beginning, Cliffhanger) has been a busy man. He is rebooting The Strangers franchise with a trilogy that he has already completed according to Entertainment...
Equip Yourself with Horror-Inspired Gear, Just in Time for Halloween, Including Spine-Chilling T-Shirts, Masks, and More!
The origins of every story are worth exploring, and the acclaimed found footage franchise, Hell House LLC, is no exception. Fans of the series can look...