Hammer Films, a renowned name in the world of horror cinema, is back in the limelight with a fresh owner and a thrilling lineup of new...
ALLBLK, the renowned streaming platform dedicated to Black television content under AMC Networks, is set to send chills down the spines of viewers with the release...
Prepare to dive back into the eerie world of “The Strangers” as Lionsgate gears up to deliver an entire trilogy set in this chilling universe, with...
Japanese horror maestro Takeshi Kushida, renowned for his work on “Woman of the Photographs,” is set to thrill audiences once again with his upcoming film, “My...
Fans of Eli Roth’s twisted imagination can finally rejoice as the once-fake trailer from the Grindhouse Double Feature (2007), “Thanksgiving,” has now materialized into a genuine...
Remember all the puking folks were doing when Terrifier 2 was released in theaters? There was an incredible amount of social media showing folks tossing their cookies...
Lionsgate and BuzzFeed Unveil a Haunting Exclusive Preview of 'Dear David' for Halloween.
In the realm of cinema, the zombie subgenre has experienced its fair share of ebbs and flows in popularity over the past few decades. While there’s...
In the era of high-concept thrillers, streaming platforms have become the go-to destination for gripping narratives, and Netflix is no exception. From Alexandre Aja’s heart-pounding “Oxygen,”...
From the creative minds of writer Michael Kennedy (known for “Freaky”) and director Tyler MacIntyre (“Tragedy Girls”) comes the thrilling Christmas slasher, “It’s a Wonderful Knife.”...