It’s been decades since Predator’s 1987 debut, but that hasn’t stopped arguments over whether Arnold Schwarzenegger’s use of mud camouflage would really ward off a bloodthirsty...
Zack Snyder’s upcoming sci-fi film, “Rebel Moon,” is set to premiere exclusively on Netflix on December 22, marking the first installment in a sweeping saga spanning...
Labeled as “a crazy mix of comedy and action,” Reiki Tsuno’s film “Mad Cats” is set to debut on the Midnight Pulp streaming service on November...
Following the success of the five-season animated series “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous,” Netflix has unveiled a spinoff titled “Jurassic World: Chaos Theory,” set to premiere in...
Since its debut on September 29, Saw X, a sequel to the original classic, has been captivating audiences in theaters, only recently slipping out of the...
Two years after Leigh Janiak’s ambitious trilogy, Netflix is returning to R.L. Stine’s Fear Street universe with a new standalone movie, as reported by Collider. This...
Tom Hardy is set to reprise his role as Venom in Sony’s upcoming installment, Venom 3, and recent updates indicate a slight delay in its release...
Fresh off her success in last year’s Hulu hit “Prey,” Amber Midthunder is set to take the lead in the upcoming A24 horror movie titled “Opus,”...
When it comes to the horror genre, the woods always hide something ominous. A fresh trailer for the New Zealand psychological thriller “Loop Track” suggests that...
The college-themed spinoff series “Gen V” has recently concluded its debut season, leaving viewers with a thrilling conclusion that sets the stage for the upcoming fourth...